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Calling All Aspiring Adult Rockers!

Weekend Warriors Jam Night

Join us for a rock band jam, and learn about the Weekend Warriors program! Meet other local musicians and have fun playing in a group setting.

This event kicks off Weekend Warriors, a recreational rock band program for adults hosted by Weekend Warriors USA.

- Hosted by Ted Brown Music in Tacoma
- All instruments and gear are provided
- No experience necessary
- Meet mentor (and in-demand Seattle drummer) Doug McGrew
- Learn how you can live your aspiring rock band dream with Weekend Warriors

About Weekend Warriors

Weekend Warriors is a recreational rock band program for participants 21 and up. Over the past 15 years, the program has made a name for itself in Australia - now Weekend Warriors is launching in the United States!

Ted Brown Music is proud to be chosen as one of the pilot locations for the US's Weekend Warriors program. Visit weekendwarriorsmusic.com for more info.
